Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday color tour

Today was a “not training save the stress on my back” day!   We decided to go to Curtis and follow a color tour - which we hear advertised on the one and only radio station we can get clearly here – it’s advertised for an inn among other things – so we drove down to Newberry and then west on M28 to Curtis south of there – we did go by the Chamberlin’s Ole Forest Inn but it just looked like a big square white house on Manistique Lake so we didn’t stop.  When we did get to Curtis we did stop at a place overlooking the lake and I did have whitefish dip with chips.  Delicious!!!!
Suprisingly the colors are best right here within a  mile of us!!! There is a lot of outgrowth of maples from the clearcutting and they have turned beautiful colors – many of them you saw in the pictures I posted!
Tomorrow’s another training day and it’s supposed to snow tonite so we will see how it goes – it was so wet yesterday with snow that it seemed more like training in the rain – hopefully the snow won’t make it as wet tomorrow!

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