Saturday, November 3, 2018

Up to Saturday

Pretty calm week – training and doing minor stuff around the house- the weather has been good for training – most mornings right around 40 degrees – as we get used to the cold it almost seems balmy!!!  We can tell the dogs are thinking it’s warm as well – don’t see it getting any colder for another week and then some snow in the forecast!
We did outfit the dogs with some new harnesses – that took a lot of trying out for each run and knowing how many and what size we wanted to buy from Bruce Magnusson – he has tried this ZeroDc brand and found them to be pretty good but now he is interested in some other variety/conformation so is selling some of them to us.  This new harness has a larger and rounder neck piece so it looks to me like the dog is pulling more like the harnesses that you put on a horse – around the neck and upper shoulders while allowing free motion of the shoulder.  We will see how they work out…………..
On Halloween we took a drive over to Rainbow Lodge – it is a re-built cabin/resort that burned down in the big fire that happened up here maybe 5 years ago??  Our friends Kathy and Richard Robinson inherited the place from Richard’s father – it is a beautiful piece of property right at the mouth of the 2 hearted river.  When we had been here twice before you could never see how close you were to Lake Superior – but now with the fire leveling all the trees there are beautiful scenic views of the lake and the river!!  They have 7 (I think) cabins , five of which are brand new and so nice – the view and the pine and the rustic furniture……!  They are really trying to sell (only $950,000………..) and don’t rent out all of the units – trying to keep them nice for a buyer to look at – and pretty reasonable – like a 3 bedroom house with a view for $1200 a week….. So we happened to catch Richard there closing up the cabins and he took us on a tour of 3 of them and then we went down to the Two Hearted River campground right on Lake Superior – beautiful as I hope you can see from the pictures!
After the tour we did go into Newberry and got groceries and saw all the trick or treaters around town! They start early up here…it was only 5!
I did manage to view almost all of the scary movies I have just in time for Halloween (I probably have about 150…………) and carved the pumpkin and roasted the pumpkin seeds – so we had a great but low key, Halloween!
Nothing much coming up except church tomorrow in Newberry and training every day!  Now up to 10.6 miles with the adult teams of 10 and 11!!
 Our new "sardine can" trailer bedroom decor!
 Halloween at the DeKuiper UP residence!
 The view from the cabin at Rainbow Lodge - that is the 2 hearted river in the foreground
 Inside the  cabin
 At the 2 hearted river mouth and campground - river in foreground and Lake Superior in the distance
 bridge across the rive at the campground - made to look a bit like the Big Mac
 river and lake beyond

 me crossing the bridge
 shows you how brownish the water is up here

below: the cabins on the ridge overlooking the river and the lake

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