Tuesday, November 12, 2019

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...........

Be careful what you wish for!!!!!!!  We wanted snow to train dogs and boy, did we get it!!!!  A minimum of 2 feet!!!  Knee deep!!!! And more to come in the next few days!!!!  We are on our way to town right now to buy a part for the snow plow so we can fix the plow controller!!!  If ever we needed a snowplow, today’s the day!  The road isn’t bad cause the snowplow has been through and right now it’s not snowing so visibility is good.  Randy went out to check on the training trail across the road and barely made a dent in the trail to pack it – so no training today!  Then when he returned home and went to drop off the drag he was pulling behind, he got the snowmachine stuck in the dog yard!!!! And then spent an hour digging that out!!!  The snowmachine is running today after he replaced all of the fuel lines, but it still only runs in low gear – just keeps acting like there is an air leak somewhere in the fuel system.
Yesterday we went to town twice!!!!!  The first time we bought the new fuel lines and then realized that we had not brought back the red box movie we had rented – when I called them to ask about buying it (they offered to sell for $4 at time of rental and we paid $3 for the 2-day rental!!) they said since we had rented it we couldn’t buy it and that it would be a $3 a day late fee – and if it went over 17 days it would be $29!!!!  So we drove back in to town and were going to go to the Elks Lodge for a vetern’s day dinner, only to find out the dinner was last Friday!!!  So we went to Zellar’s for whitefish and liver dinner!
Ooops – I spoke too soon – it’s snowing again!!!!
The good thing is that all but one of the 22 dogs we are training are all doing good and working to their potential!!!!  We had 2 but the biggest dog in the kennel that doesn’t move around in his circle very much got in shape and is doing much better!!!

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