Saturday, November 9, 2019


Not too much new to report! We did go to Jan’s for delicious fish and Jim Oehlschlaeger and the Waltman’s joined us – I had brought frozen strawberries that Aeja had picked at one of her summer jobs (that girl had 3 different jobs last summer – no wonder she had already saved up to get herself a pick-up truck; and she doesn’t even turn 16 until March!!) so I baked biscuits we had shortcake for dessert!  We had a good time talking about the 3 guys’ experiences in the Vietnam war ; the other 2 in the Army and Randy in the Navy – all of them managed to avoid being in the middle of the fray…  So while I am thinking about it, Thank you to all veterans for your service!!!
It has snowed almost every day for the last week – when we went into Newberry Thursday for a meat sale at the grocery it was pretty treacherous driving!!!  Thus far we have about 9 inches of snow – the trail had some soft spots in it when we trained yesterday but Randy has been dragging it along with Frank and Regina Caldwell and the crew at Bruce’s – so most of it is getting packed good – we are doing it a bit different this year – last 2 years we stayed and trained on our side of the road until maybe mid-December but this year we started going over across the road for the rig session training and haven’t used the trails on this side again since then.  It makes sense not to have to pack this trails on this side for just us to use when there are 3 different teams of people to pack the trails if we only use the other side.  The only tricky part is getting across the road looking to be sure there is no traffic coming.  We have gotten both of our snowmachines running but now are having trouble with the one we just got fixed over the summer – it quits after going about 10 feet – hopefully Randy will figure out the problem!!  We also put the plow on the plow truck that we also just had fixed this fall – transmission- and now it’s leaking oil and hydraulic fluid – does it ever end????!!!!!!!  Also because of the early/heavy snow we put the trailer over across the street in a parking area for the state forest – it’s very inconvenient if I think of something I want or need from the trailer, to drive ½ mile to get it!!!
Going to church tonite – hope the road is pretty clear and training again tomorrow – 2 teams of 11 – Randy says we have over 90 miles on them and they are looking the best yet!!!! More later!!! 

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