Tuesday, November 26, 2019

YO!!! From the north country!!

The last time I wrote we were going through a “meltdown” here – and we still are = though today through tonite we are supposed to get the worst storm of the year!!!!  They are predicting  over a foot of snow!
We trained on Saturday both teams and it wasn’t too bad – lots of trenches in the area where the hunters are going back to their bait piles but all in all, not too bad. Sunday was warmer yet and we were afraid that the icy trenches had frozen overnite and might hurt the dogs so we just rode around the trail on the same course as what will be the race trail in January (so I could see where Randy would race if he decides the trail is good enough to do the 6 dog , 24 mile run)  There were lots of pretty wild hills and bumps in the trail to be sure – it will take quite a bit of snow to smooth things out!!
Yesterday the conditions were pretty much the same so instead of training we decided to tackle dog toenails!!!  It went pretty well, all things considered – like the fact that our four youngest have never had their toenails trimmed!!  And the other 3 second youngest we know are extreeeeeeeemly difficult to do!!!  It’s like trying to hold an alligator  on your lap!!!!!  We actually got everybody done with out too much sweat!!!  I am the holder and Randy is the cutter so I say I do the hardest job but I don’t want to make any mistakes on their nails so I make Randy do it!!!
Today is another “no training” day so we are off to town!!!  Thanksgiving we are going to Ray and Patty Brown’s (neighbors about a mile down the road towards Lake Superior) for dinner – all the neighborhood is invited so it ends up to be over 20 people = the table takes up their whole house!! We also do a “white elephant” gift exchange – so that’s very fun!!
In case I don’t post again before:  HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND ENJOY OF ALL GOD’S BLESSINGS!!!!!

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