Monday, February 17, 2020

3rd day

We had a great dinner of “heart shaped” meatloaf at Danae’s and Glenn’s and the shower was wonderful!!!
Of the three days Sunday was by far the warmest – didn’t even wear a hat for most of the day – when you get used to being out in the cold all the time 32 degrees feels like summer!!!
Randy pared the team down to 11 so it was easy getting them ready to go – didn’t get bopped in the nose and the team was off!!!  While he was on the trail they announced on the loud speaker that he had lost a dog………….oh no!!!!  Losing a dog and not coming in with it means disqualification!!!  But then I heard that they had gotten the dog to trail help and it was already back with Randy – so he came it and explained what had happened……………Chick left the starting chute without her neck line hooked………don’t know if I did it when I put her in the line or one of the persons helping us to the line might have accidentally tripped the the snap--- so he got only a mile down the trail and saw he had a problem – waited until he got to a road crossing where there should have been good help to hook her up – but because she was spooked by all the people there she backed off and slipped out of her harness!!!  Meaning that she was free!!!  She ran down the trail for a bit and then somehow Rachel Colbath caught her while she was racing ahead of Randy and left her with trail help – he got her back in the team and took off again – didn’t even bother to put the harness back on to save time and just had her run off her collar!
He got back safe and sound but wasn’t really happy about having trouble =later we went to the awards ceremony and found out the race committee was having a discussion about whether their rules for their race covered this situation – and decided not to disqualify so good for us!  And in the published results Randy stayed in 9thposition – not what we wanted or what the dogs are capable of doing but that’s the dog racing “game”!
That nite we unhooked from the trailer so we could just drive the truck around town and pick up some groceries and cheap diesel fuel – 
Got up today and fed breakfast and dropped and left at 10am with good roads and a good border crossing and back to Bellerives at 4 – Hermel was out on the training trail with the groomer so it’s likely we will train  tomorrow!!!

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