Sunday, February 2, 2020

Not as good, but still great!

Good day to race in Quebec!!!  little bit of snow and cool temps and the trail was maybe a bit more packed than yesterday - Randy only ran 10 dogs today because he didn't want to bring any "run along" dogs and he kept in the leader, Rusty, from yesterday that had just "run along" thinking maybe it was some small fissures on her hind feet (so he put boots on her today) but that didn't work and she was worse today - she ran at point and at times the lead dogs were keeping her moving forward - so quite a bit slower and moved down into 7th place - which in this competitive venue of Quebec - is still very good!!!  We are staying at the race site tonite because Randy's knee is hurting worse than usual because the team that finished just after him ran into the back of his legs and clotheslined him - many people helped me get the team back to the truck while he limped tonite we are nursing wounds and will go to Bellerive's tomorrow morning!!!

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