Thursday, February 11, 2021

Here we are in Iron River, Wisconsin!!!!

 Yes we made it to Wisconsin, but then the cold weather and more troubles set in!!!!!   the first nite here the truck would not start after we had driven it all day!!!  Randy just was making sure it would start in the extreme cold temps and it didn't!!!!  So we asked the guys at the ambulance building next to where we are parked who might be able to take a look at the truck and find the problem ===he came at the beginning of the day and jump started it with a special jumper - then said he would try to find someone else in town to look at the truck because he was busy and couldn't get the truck in to his garage...............he called back and said he couldn't find anyone else that wanted to work and that he would try to work on it that day or early the next morning - so we drove it to his shop and he brought us back here - luckily he called back late afternoon and said he had found a loose connection in the wiring to the battery!!!!!  So we got the truck back............then this morning while we were getting ready to breakfast dogs the brand new generator quit!!!!!!  Needless to say, Randy was upset - we called the guy we bought it from the day before and he talked him through re-setting the cabin monoxide monitor - and it started up!!!  Must have been the cold temps causing the fumes to drop by the sensor..............

So we went to see the race site and the trail looks good - we are still trying to decide how or if we are going to exercise the dogs over the next week - it's so cold (like -20) it doesn't seem like it would be good for the dogs to run..............................

We also got some groceries and are going to go to the laundromat to wash some very stinky dog clothes!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

You know, I have to look at it this way. Usually, there is some type of issue with the truck and/or generator at some point during the trip. Someone is looking out for you to make sure that you didn't have any issues when you had to travel every day for the Stage Stop race and that you made it to a point when you weren't in a rush to be anywhere. There's your (freezing) silver lining... :)
Mwah! Love you guys!