Sunday, February 21, 2021

Photos from the stage stop race


statue of Lincoln getting near Lincoln, Nebraska
Beautiful red rock on I80
It was so windy it made this dust storm onI80 - we thought it was a fire!!
Arch of elk antlers in Jackson, Wyoming
The ski area in Jackson right next to where we met at the rodeo grounds
A view from the pass going from Jackson to Alpine - doesn't really show how steep it was and how treacherous!!!
Decor on one of the buildings in Jackson
Antelope in southeast Wyoming
It's hard to see but because they let cattle roam free all over Wyoming, they have these grates in the road where they don't want the cows to cross
One of the 7 race starts!
This was the view going into the snowmobile trail where we trained and stayed for 2 weeks in Alpine, WY
Our first glimpse of the Rockies!!!!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Great pictures. I especially liked the arch - very cool!