Wednesday, February 22, 2023

WE are in Canada!!

The only problem we had letting us in was that we were "red flagged" for coming to the border one year and not having our covid test result sent to us yet from the pharmacy so they sent us back to the US!!!

We drove till Deep River, Ontario and then the next day made it here to Charette!!!

The Bellerives are busy with business lunches and dinners today so we will see them tomorrow!!

We had a quick hello with Claude yesterday because he was at the barn to train some dogs before the race this weekend!! 

We trained all of our dogs today and they all looked good - we also trained 3 of Claudes old dogs - don't know if he is thinking of us getting them or what..............

I was doing great until I just fell on the ice and tweaked my back............just a bit of rest and it will be fine!!!!! 

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Glad that you made it with no big issues. Sorry about your back - rest up and take care of yourself. :(
Hello to the Bellerives!
Good luck in the race this weekend! Love you!