Tuesday, February 10, 2009


45 minutes this morning trying to “unstick” the dressings from Randy’s 3 abrasions!!! 2 of the dressings were telfa and came off easy but I ran out of them and the 3rd was an eye patch/dressing that I thought was non=adherent but turned out to be quite “adherent”! He had a very restless nite and said that they hurt more today than ever – I have resorted to using the ointment for the dog’s feet on his legs cause it spreads easier without hurting him (I am using a butter knife – whatever works in a pinch!) Went to the Charrette Pharmacy today and managed to relay to the French only speaking clerk that I needed dressings and bought the only box they had! Then had to talk to the English speaking pharmacist to ask if they would order more cause I’m thinking we will use this one in 2 days.
Last nite dinner with Lou Serre (Lou is staying in his trailer down at the barn until he decides which race he will go to this weekend depending on the weather – Bellerives already decided they will not go to Laconia, NH and instead Melanie will drive a 12 dog team at the island race – that would be the island you get to by going down an 18 degree/very steep, short hill and then to the ferry and the same up the hill at the island – Randy does not like the trail on Lil aux Coudres so even though I love the people there and also hate the hill, we probably won’t go there, unless Laconia does not have snow for a race- whew that was a long sentence – good thing I am not being graded on this!!!) and the Bellerives at the house was very enjoyable! Pork and veal roast and my favorite salad again! Lots of fun stories about dog racing and childhood memories from all with the conversations around the table alternating from English to French to English then back to French….etc.! Lou is very well traveled having been to Alaska and all over Europe buying/selling/breeding dogs for racing and has the great stories to go with the travels.
This morning we dropped dogs and then headed up to Claude’s business garage to have them tighten the ball on the trailer hitch (which Randy noticed was very loose yesterday when he was pounding on a “poop scoop” to straighten it out, on top of the ball. They had been forewarned we would be there by Claude and it was done in 2 minutes!
Stopped at the restaurant across the street and had coffee with Melanie, Claude and Lou and then bought a couple of groceries for me to make “hot taco dip” (by request from Melanie cause I made it last year and they enjoyed it) and on the way to the grocery we saw billowing black smoke off from the highway 1 block and then sure enough, there was a house on fire!!! We didn’t see/hear any fire trucks come until we were done shopping so it may be the trucks had to come from quite far away – Charrette is much smaller that even Montague or Hesperia – probably only 40 homes tops!
This afternoon while we were reading Lou walked up to visit for a while and then we dropped the kids to play in the yard – yesterday’s altercation between Spiff, my leader and Runzl, my point dog, had resulted in an ear laceration that starts bleeding every time he shakes his head, so we have devised a plan to take a piece of gauze, soak it with super glue and glue it to the tip of his ear – you’ll hear how it worked later!!


Pilot son said...

Dad, you never have been very good at letting go of your team... I'm sorry to hear that your body was punished so badly this time. Be thankful that Cris is there to help you or you'd probsbly just paint some "New Skin" all over your wounds and keep on truckin'.

I've been flying this week and Cindy has been home with sick kids so that has been tough.

Have a safe thip to NH. We will keep reading.


Trenkle Family said...

Ouch! I can't even imagine...

We're getting ready to bring our pup home on Sat! We'll be thinking about you in Laconia and wishing we were with you!

We love you!