Thursday, February 12, 2009

Update from Charrette - "RainyTown"

Thursday morning we awoke to the pitter patter of rain on the roof! Not usually a good thing to have during dog racing season – we had heard from the weather forecast (and from our Michigan forecaster, Mitz!) that we could get rain, but it gave us enough concern to want to call Jim Lyman at Laconia, NH to see for sure if the rain was still there and if there was enough snow to have a race tomorrow (we should be leaving or have left by now to make it there comfortably by tonite). He told us they have 4 city trucks hauling snow to make trails. Randy is still walking around like “the mummy” stiff legged and my vote is that he really shouldn’t race this weekend – he could surely delay healing by rubbing his knees raw again – although they are still raw! So I am in the big house writing to you, and Randy is going to call Jason Rodenhouse I think to see if he is planning to go to Laconia- Lou Serrre talked to us when we dropped dogs out in the barn yard and he is wondering if there will be a race anywhere (I think he had decided to go to the island race – the one Randy had bad experiences with and doesn’t really want to race again). With this rain it could certainly ruin the trail on the island – it’s pretty much pouring now and the snow is melting quickly – it has also caused the drive up to the sugar shack to get very slippery and we slid down the last portion and frankly, don’t know if we can get back up!! So much up in the air!!!


Trenkle Family said...

Hey, if you do make it to Laconia, let us know so we can call you! It would be great to hear your voice, chica!

Love you!

Erica said...

Sounds like quite an adventure!! We hope Randy's wounds heal quickly and he feels better soon! Can't wait to talk to you again. Love, Erica and Lucas