Friday, January 20, 2012

and even rougher seas ahead.......

As you can tell by the posting date it is now Friday and we have just made it to Minot, ND - we left Wisconsin with 4 brand new tires and rims and a lighter wallet!!!

travel has been good but cold.......and then the generator decided not to start, and then the truck block heater decided not to work. so we spent quite a bit of time driving around Duluth looking for a Honda generator (which Randy had been wanting anyway because they are quieter (I would have to agree having not been able to hardly hear it last nite...) and he wanted it for the kettle korn trailer. Then we started looking for the right size heater to put on the oil pan cause it's been so cold Randy was afraid to not have the truck run all nite long! - finally found one large enough and it had to be stuck on - so we drive a while and stop in Grand Rapids MN at a Walmart (so I could try to find a power cord for my Mac computer and because the charger for the lighter in the truck for the GPS was not working and it died on us.... While I was in Walmart Randy had to pull the truck up on some boards to be able to get under the truck to reach the oil pan and had to glue this heater on and then apply silicone around it to seal it - of course it was slightly too big which made it all the harder to do (we checked and it's still stuck on there!) I was not too successful in Walmart - no power cord, and couldn't check to see if my Garmin GPS cord was faulty - and neither could Target and neither could the other 2 computer places in town I called!!! So off we went and got to Grand Forks ND where we stopped at the Cabela's store for the nite - the store was closed but we did go to an "upscale" very expensive bar/grille across the street where Randy's burger was $10 and my wine was $7.50!!! Had a good nite found out from Cindy on the phone this morning that Best Buy in Grand Forks had cords - went there (without having the GPS to use.....) and Yup, they had the Mac cord for only $80 - and sure enough the GPS cord was faulty so bought one of those for $30!!! NO other problems today and perhaps we will get to the border yet tonite! Saw an eagle on the side of the road eating a deer and a pheasant flew across the front of the truck - but that's the fun kind of exciting!!! As of border crossing won't have any phone use until we get into Alaska - which we hope to be by Thursday if all goes better than it has!!! So I will keep in touch whenever I have wifi to use (right now we are at McDonalds but for some reason the Canadian Micky D's don't usually have wifi - please keep us in your prayers!!!! We love you all!

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