Sunday, January 29, 2012

I know what you are thinking.....

Sunday again: You all are probably going to think that I make this stuff up………’s far too unbelievable to have this much bad luck or whatever you want to call it (punishment, testing, tribulations, curse, etc., etc, etc……….) could happen to 2 relatively nice people……….
I last wrote that we were headed to Anchorage and we were, for about ½ hour and then some guys in a truck motioned us over because we had a trailer wheel on fire……..I know, I know……..not possible. Only if you are the DeKuipers………. So we stopped and sure enough, though thankfully the tire was not damaged (since we just bought it in Iron River) the wheel bearings went out and probably scored stub axle shaft (I know you know I didn’t say that myself……) Randy jacked the trailer up and removed the tire and now we are driving back to Fairbanks to the cold and fog at 10mph hoping and praying that we don’t wreck anything else. Since it’s Sunday we likely won’t find anyone that can fix it so it looks like one more nite in the Super 8 since it is still too cold to have the furnace working (too cold for the propane) in the trailer even plugged in to an outlet – 29 more miles to go so about 3 hours and we should be back where we started from……..
Before this started today we did see 2 moose and also a wolf cross the road! Always a bright spot even in the gloom!
We are back at our favorite motel in Fairbanks – the Super 8 in the room next door to last nite’s – Randy has called about 8 places and we have settled on a place to take the trailer tomorrow morning that seems to have an idea how to get us going again!
So we are good for tonite and watching the Alaska channel on TV – a treat!!! Thanks for all of you prayers!!!!

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