Saturday, January 28, 2012

Not so good adendum........

It's 4:30pm - we are not on our way anywhere.......when we went in to McD's to use the internet to look at weather forecasts, Randy noticed a flat tire on the trailer - I know, I can hear you all......not again with the tires!!!!!!!!!
So Wendy Callis (sorry if I butchered your name I didn't ask how to spell it....) came to pick up Aurora and we are waiting to have the people at Alyeska Tire look at ours and see if it can be fixed or if we need to buy yet one more tire!

We were able to find this place because a very nice heavy equipment operator mechanic at McD's called them for us and told us they were open until 5 today - so we drove over here using our ever-trusty GPS Dorothy (Randy named her that because she is like a wizard - and with the visibility today that's what we needed to be able to get here)!! what an amazing piece of equipment - I don't know how we ever got along without it! It sure beats keeping my head burrowed in the map and trying to find ways to navigate our big truck and trailer thru the city the most direct route!!!!

So as I looked at the weather for Anchorage it should be 20 to 30 degrees warmer each day for the next week - so I think that means we will be heading that way.....

as soon as I know what the deal with the tire is I will let you know!

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