Tuesday, January 24, 2012

OH my dear...........

Tues: As I write this we are 44 miles from Ft. Nelson – last nite we pulled off the side of the road to sleep and it was a bit more of a downgrade and snowier (about 5 inches) than what Randy thought when he pulled in in the dark……….he said this morning he spent half the nite thinking about how he was going to get us out of there!
Well it’s “white knuckle time” again – last nite while it was still light out we went thru Taylor which is a small town at the bottom of a river gorge at the end of a very very steep hill (9%) with a lot of curves in it! Today we started out with icy roads and going down from Pink Mountain – we finally felt comfortable when we were only going 12 mph!! and that’s both up and down!
As soon as we get to Ft. Nelson I will try to find a hotel with wifi and post this – after that we will go to Streepers, drop off the dog and buy a couple of bales of hay to “plump-up” the dog boxes. We plan start off for the scariest part of the whole trip (from Ft. Nelson to Watson Lake through the Canadian Rockies) at whatever time we can leave and only drive till dark – then stop for the nite – it’s nervy enough in the daylight as it is………..of course maybe I would be less anxious if I couldn’t see!!!! There won’t be any more posts until Watson Lake – no towns to speak of – coming home last year it took us 9 hours – but that was with dry roads in April! Wish us luck!!!!

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