Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last day in Anchorage.....

Sad to say goodbye to "the boys" - dropped them off and got a new wheel for the trailer for a spare and then to Eagle River to get a tire for it - then back here to spiff up Pam's car for being so nice to let us use it -it made so many things so much easier!! Next we feed and take the car back to Pam and Doug's and they are ordering oriental dinner (Randy says that's OK unless he had to use chopsticks!!)

Don't know when we will leave in the morning but will try to post again - the service will be pretty "sketchy" at best until we get to the club house in Fairbanks and even then it was not reliable last year!! Talk to you soon as I can!

Went to Pam and Doug's for dinner and to drop off the car - we had order-in oriental - very good!! The kids and I played with Doug and made play-dough sculptures and drew with crayons! Back here and dosed all the "coughers" with honey and lemon syrup (not a one of them likes it.....can you believe it??!!) and time to rest up for the trip tomorrow - it snowed about and inch this evening - and there was a winter storm watch up by Fairbanks so we will see what tomorrow's weather brings!


Kukal's Horseshoeing said...

Thank you, both, for taking such great care of our boys. You can't know how much they adore the two of you and you have made their trip that much more unforgettable. Have a safe trip to Fairbanks and we will continue to look for your updates.


Trenkle Family said...

Drive safe and we'll look forward to hearing about your next adventure!
Love you both!