Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday not very busy-

I still have a little flu bug today so am not doing much - we are at a Safeway grocery store and they actually have wifi - then we are going to the DMV so we can finally get the license plates we ordered a year ago - they have Randy's Iditarod finishing number of "90" on them!

Not much the rest of the day - we heard yesterday that it was -35 degrees in Tok so we are thinking we will wait until the very end of the week to go over - it is only 7 degrees her right now!

Will post a picture of the pup (we think we will call him Ghost because he was born at Halloween) as soon as I remember to take one!! he slept well last nite and wasn't any noisier that our "dog alarm clock - Arrow"!!

Talk to you soon!

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