Friday, March 30, 2012

Stopped at a Starbucks in Lloydminister, AB to use the wifi!!

This is Thursday and we are sitting in the parking lot of an arena in Dawson Creek (last time we came through Alan Jackson was going to be playing) – it started to rain and got dark about 7 last nite so we stopped here to sleep and as it turned out, it froze on the roads so it was good that we stopped.
Sunday nite we got as far as ½ way to Whitehorse – saw lots of caribou in and next to the roads and snow geese and these little white bird flocks that I will have to look up the name of when I get a chance. Monday nite we stayed just to the north of Watson Lake – we stopped there and (I will try not to get upset all over again………) at the scales we called the British Columbia Dept. of Transportation and they charged us $216 to travel through B.C. to Dawson Creek because they are still insisting that we are a commercial vehicle because we are a truck and are carrying something (dogs) that have a potential for winning prize money – I talked till I was blue in the face to no avail. We even found out that they try to jab you with having to buy their B.C. insurance because they won’t honor any other insurance!!!!!! Yup, I am still upset….
We did one “touristy” thing on this trip that we have always wanted to do but have not taken the time…..Liard Hot Springs!!! It’s just off the hiway after you go by all the wild buffalo herds on the side of the road. There are not directions when you stop in the parking lot and there was hardly anybody there so we just started walking on this wooden walkway that looked like it might end up at the hot springs, and sure enough, about 1/3 of a mile thru the woods there they were!!! At least the size of an Olympic swimming pool and about waist to chest deep and clear as a bell – smelled a lot like sulfur – the sign at the springs said it was 32 degrees Celsius – Quis time----how many degrees Farenheit is that???
The next nite we made it all the way through the Candian Rockies and were about 50 miles north of Ft. Nelson. The roads have been clean and dry and the days sunny until last nite. We stopped for a little while on Wednesday and visited with Streepers and then made it to Dawson Creek.
Today we plan to make it to Mark Hartum’s on the other side of Edmonton. Will post as soon as I can!
Friday – we did indeed make it to Hartum’s and as they were not yet home, we spent the nite at a little nature park right near their house. This morning when we got up (and didn’t use the furnace or the generator all nite long) it was 55 degrees in the “house”!! When we dropped and fed breakfast it was almost warm enough not to wear a coat and the snow is almost all gone. It was the first morning I had heard bird chirping and singing in a long time!!
Had breakfast with Hartum’s and traded some dogs and saw the 2 week old puppies that we had “with Hartums” (our dog Neenah and his dog Wyatt) on our way about noon. Hope to make it to 2 or 3 hours from the border today!!!

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