Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday was pretty "low profile" - until it was time to feed....

We pretty much relaxed for the day - Mark and Austin went to the re-start in Willow so they had the car and we were not going to train until Monday - so watched movies and read books - beautiful day, sunny and warm - when we let the dogs out they stayed out over an hour and I took the ones that are injured for walks on a leash - I think they walked me, though.......
So we were going to feed them just before dark but then Randy remembered he had not put the heater in the dog water so we waited another 1/2 hour - by that time it was quite dark! So I am getting my coat on and Randy lets one dog out the pass-through door and he runs back to the door and says "Cris come quick" - not 50 feet from the trailer, there is a moose munching on the small trees!!!! We were afraid if we let the rest of the dogs out the moose would think they were wolves (that's what we have been told by the locals.....) and would get stomped!! So I get as near as I think I can and still be able to run back to the trailer and take pictures -and Randy, actually goes right up to the moose, 5 feet from his nose and thinks he is going to be able to run around the building to avoid getting stomped himself!!!!!!! Well you know, this all was like a "flash back" of the time we had to drive down this very steep and very icy hill to visit Ian McKenzie in Ontario and I decided that one of us had to stay alive if Randy crashed the truck going down the hill, so I walked all the way down!!!! So rather than both of us getting stomped, I acted as the "adult member of the team" and stood back farther by the trailer while Randy banged on the building and the fences trying to drive the moose away!!!! You now it's been a long time since he was a rodeo clown..........I don't know that he can still side step a charging animal the size of a draft horse!!!!!!!!! Be sure and look at the picture below - I got it as light as I could, but you can see the moose pretty good next to the building!

This morning Mark and Austin are here to tell us about the re-start! They left a bit early (Mark was thinking it started at 10am instead of 2pm...) but got a reallllly gooooood parking place getting there at 8am!!! They talked to all of the drivers they wanted to talk to again and got a good position to watch from!!! Also saw a moose on the side of the road and picked up some moose poop near the parking lot in Willow!!! Today we will drop them off at the Ramada and then they will catch the airport shuttle for their flight home tonite at 12:53am! First though, we will train 2 teams today - today is overcast and feels alot cooler so better for the dogs!!

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