Friday, March 4, 2016

0 degrees this sunny Friday morning!!!

The furnace worked pretty hard last nite!  That is in addition to the infrared heater we have running constantly (cause we are plugged in to Bellerive's barn).  The dogs were ready to get up at 7 - the sun comes up really early this far out East!  In fact one of them decided to get a jump on the other dogs...I could hear his chain rattling around and bang on the door and guessed someone had gotten out and sure enough, Wood was out browsing around!

Last nite we went up to the Bellerive's house for supper - we delivered 50 bags of kettle korn (they like to eat a bag a week and keep the rest in the freezer), 2 boxes of Red Lobster bisquit mix (Red Lobster is their favorite place to eat in the US) and an Iditarod patch for Claude (because he admired Randy's).  We had lasagna for dinner in the "sun room" - before dinner we had time to play with a "toy" that Patrick and Melanie brought - I don't know the real term for it but it's like wearing night vision goggles and you can see where ever Google Earth can!!!!  and it's like you are really there!!!  First he showed us the end of  our driveway in Hesperia, MI!!!  the we were in Rome and then on top of a very big building in NY city looking waaaaaaaaaaaay down - it was enough to make me very nervous and so life-like!!!!

Today we leave for a race this weekend in Riviere de Ouelle - it may be the last race this year - there is no snow for the race in Daaquam and then iffy for the race near Quebec City.  We are going to leave about noon and hope not to get lost getting there.  Melanie sent me the address of the race site and I have already entered it into the GPS.  This should be a "sure thing" - last year I thought I knew where we were going to a race in St. Methode and we ended up getting lost - as a matter of fact, I think that happens at least once a year.........hopefully we have a better chance of getting to this one without problems!

I am posting now cause I have no idea whether I will have access to the internet at the race site.  I should because I am using my Iphone as a hot spot!  we will see!!! and we will see if (that is if we even have any antenna reception or can get the English channel) the tv turns itself off every 6 minutes.

Just now Randy was trying to start the big generator...........guess what.......won't start!  So he will keep trying and opened the door to the compartment so the sun can shine on it ---and brought the little generator into the house to warm up (just in case the big one won't start) - the generator will likely be our only source of power for this weekend!

Will let you know how things go today when I have internet access again!

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