Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday - tonite we find out if there is a race in Daaquam

Another restful day (I say that because we got up, fed dogs and then took a nap!!!)  It turned out that yesterday our "date" with the Bellerives was for lunch and not dinner - lost something in the translation.  Melanie stopped by on her way to yoga class to clarify things - we are on to go to her house tonite - I have a DVD of Sgt. Preston and his dog King to show them with a dog sled race from the 50's (where they still carried whips and had leather harnesses) so we are going to use her "movie room" - I will let you know how impressed we are!!!

Just fed dogs and tidied up a bit - made enough rice and dog food mix for the weekend - regardless of whether we are traveling home or going to Daaquam.  Some different dogs seem to be coming down with the same thing Ellis had - no appetite and diarrhea - so far with Andy we have tried some of Claude's beef, canned dog food and eggs-  even if they do have a race this weekend Randy only has 10 dogs that are able to run.....maybe even fewer by Saturday......

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