Friday, March 11, 2016

Made it to Daaquam!!

Good roads, sunny day and only stopped once - no problems...........well unless you count the time that I directed Randy on the wrong exit in downtown Quebec.............and the crazy thing is that is the second time it has happened at that same place!!!!  It's like I look at the GPS and it tells me to do one thing and then updates and shows me the right thing!!  Randy knows I don't regularly like to be "wrong" but there is no doubt about this time - and we just came this way last weekend and I used written notes from the GpS to get us through the city!!

We are here at the race site and it is "slushzilla"!!!!!!!  they changed the starting chute (normally the start and the finish are on the river in front of the lodge) because the river opened up this morning...and we didn't bring our bathing suits!!!!!  The parking lot is 2 inches of slush and will be water or mud tomorrow - Randy is going to take out a 6 dog team and open cause he wants to see how some of the dogs in the 6 will race - update tomorrow!!

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