Saturday, March 4, 2017

Friday travel day

Left at noon (precisely when Randy said he wanted to leave -actually 5 minutes early!!) on a clear cold day- only 5 degrees this morning.  We traveled on the north side of the St. Lawrence Seaway from Trois Rivieres up to Quebec City and then crossed south on 73 over the seaway on the bridge.  We did see one tanker going east and the waterway is open thanks to all of the recent mild weather!  Then we traveled on the south side of the seaway east up to Rivieres Ouelle.  Came into some blowing and snowing just before we reached our destination but the driving was good for the most part.  Very cold when we got out of the truck!!!!  Down below zero overnite!!!!  When we got up this morning (even though we parked between a building and a snow bank as tall as our trailer so we were out of most of the wind) and let the dogs out, everything in the dog part of the trailer was frozen!!!!  That takes some pretty cold weather to freeze back there with 19 dogs usually heating it up!!!!  We had all the openings closed/blocked and it still froze the leftover dog food in the bucket rock hard!!!
The dogs were not very excited about staying outside to pee/poop and eat breakfast but some were happy to chew on the frozen leftover dinner!!!  Randy just went inside to find out if maybe they have called off the race for today - in addition to the cold, the wind is blowing really hard and the first part of the race trail is out in open fields - he thinks the dogs will have a hard time finding the trail!!!

So the driving was good here yesterday but the irritation factor was very high as the dinging sound your vehicle makes when you don't buckle your seatbelt or leave your lights on or you key in the ignition dinged all the way here............3 and 1/2 hours!!!!!!!!  Maybe that's why I have a headache this morning ..........or could that be from the 2 glasses of caribou (a sweet liqueur that's homemade- kind of like moonshine in Quebec!!) that somebody gave me last nite!!  We called our friendly neighborhood fixit friends in White Cloud, the Pendlands, and they suggested a fuse - that didn't seem to be it when he looked at it when we got here last nite so we called our new friend, Glenn, in New Hampshire and he suggested a different fuse, I think.  Hopefully we will fix the dang thing before heading home on Sunday!!!!!

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