Saturday, March 4, 2017

Waaaaaaaaaaay cold and windy!!!!!

I don't even want to know the temp with the wind chill factor!!!!!  For sure it's a neck warmer, cover-your-face kind of day!!!!

Got up to the trailer rocking and it still is now at 5:30p!  You can see the water moving in the 2 gallon water jug that we have in the kitchen!!

Got the dogs ready to run (12 of them with a leader that is 3 and we have not run in a race and the other leader old and can't ususally keep up if the trail is fast) and Randy had a good departure.  I went back in the trailer after closing the back door to the dog part because it was so cold - I calculated how long I thought he would be with a little cushion built in and just as I was approaching the finish line he came in!!!  earlier than I thought he would be!!  He still came in 9th/last (Angie Carter didn't run and we don't know why) but there is only 6 minutes between him and the leader!  That's quite different from all the other races this year have been!  And this was more or less a training run to see if the young leader would do it (which she did get spooked and really couldn't keep up with the team) and to see if some other dogs that had been laid off were back in shape!  So Randy was very happy!

Going to feed and then go in the hall (which is 50 ft. from us) and have a chicken dinner - had it here last year and it was very good!!!  then come back out and drop dogs and then go back in for music and some dancing if we feel energetic!!!!

Will let you know how it goes tomorrow - he is dropping the 3 year old leader but keeping the rest!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Winner winner chicken dinner! Also, pretty trees! Bushel and a peck! -Caitlin