Monday, March 6, 2017

Sunday race results

Woke up to a considerably less windy and sunny day!!  I told more than one person that it seemed like Florida!!!

Randy dropped the young leader,
Banshee, and put Andy up with Oslo (who led yesterday and pretty much hauled Banshee around the trail and kept her going when she shied of people) and Andy has not led in a race before = so the race was essentially a training session over 2 days!  It went pretty well - had some shying at crossings with people and with head-on passing on Andy's part - one dog got over the line and he had to stop and de-tangle, but otherwise pretty good.  Still finished last at 9th but found out alot about the skills of the dogs that he ran!  He ended up with a check for $180 and it was only $55 to enter!  so gas money!!

You remember me telling you about the dinging sound we had for 3 1/2 hours on our way here so we had called couple people and had not gotten a for sure answer - sooooooooooo..........I looked on the internet!!  Remember when I was able to figure out how to get the truck out of 4 wheel drive low last year?????!!!  Well, I found a chat room where they suggested turning the radio and the truck off (the dinging sound comes from the radio speaker) and then holding down on the #6 radio button - it was supposed to say "normal" but stayed blank so we didn't know if it was working, but sure enough,  it stopped!!!!  I don't know whether it was what we did or serendipity, but what a relief!!!!!

Amazingly, we went through Quebec City twice (Sunday and Friday) without me making Randy do a wrong turn!!!!  (that was my m.o. last year.........)  Don't know if it was using the phone instead of the gps or me being bound and determined not to make another wrong turn, but we made it through without problems and back to Bellerives by 8:30p - fed the dogs and then dropped again at 11.  For whatever reason I am getting another cold - (maybe the drastic ranges of temperature???) so feeling kind of puny (once the caribou wore off from the awards ceremony!)  It was down to 2 degrees again last nite and one last time (I hope....) wore long underwear to bed - the mattress gets cold during the day because we keep it curtained off from the rest of the trailer to use less propane - it gets pretty cold during the day and then takes a bit of time to warm it up at nite!  Over nite it actually warmed up so that when we got up this morning to a sunny day and 14 degrees it was wonderful!!!

Randy has ridden around the trail on the groomer and helped with the dog chores/training  for the Bellerives but just the normal chores for our dogs today.  Not too much going on - ate chicken soup for lunch that I made yesterday from the leftover chicken carcass from the dinner Saturday nite and I just made pudding for him.  Watching my English speaking channel out of Montreal and resting to make the cold as short as possible!!!! 

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