Sunday, October 21, 2018

Through Sunday, 21st

Friday was a very rainy day so it was the first time we haven’t trained every other day since we have been up here.   Instead we drove around more trails and almost got lost again but think we finally figured out how to make last year’s training trail a little longer (about 19.5 instead of 17.5).  We ended up having to run the trail backwards because we kept getting off track!!!  But now we have it marked and should be able to get around it pretty good.
So Saturday was moderately cold when we first started training and then it was on of those UP days where it gets colder as the day goes on!!  Even though it was only one more day off than they are accustomed to, the dogs were crazy to go!!!  It was all we could do to get their harnesses on in their circles (we do that now so that we hook them right into the line and are ready to go once we have all 8 of them in) and one of the leaders ate through the neck line so we had to replace that …….it’s amazing how much more energy they have with just one extra day off!!!!!!
We had one narrow escape while we were training –as we were about ½ mile out on the trail Randy saw Jan Shaw out on the trail walking her golden retriever, Katie.  He yelled heads up and her dog ran past her wanting to have a conversation with our dogs in the team so Jan did the only thing she could do………..tackled her dog!!!!  Now mind you, Jan is in her 80’s……….don’t we all wish we will be able to tackle at that age!!!!  Went to check on her after we finished the run and she was OK!!!!  Also we went farther than ever at 8 miles with no signs of any of the dogs being tired!!!
After training we went to Mass in Newberry and despite the “slower than we are used to” songs, it was a good sermon with Fr. Marty.  After that to the drugstore, then to pizza (not nearly as good as “Spank’s”) and decided to make it a “real date nite” and went to the movie theatre to see “Halloween” – the theatre was built in 1931 and has been wonderfully restored – even the Greco-Roman paintings that are displayed all over the theatre!!!!  It reminded us both of going to the show in Fremont and Montague at the little theaters there!!!!  The show was not as scary as we thought it might be (which was a good deal in Randy’s opinion……….) but good enough!!!!  Back home to our UP house at the outrageous time of midnight!!!!!!!!!!
Just finished making the "bedroom" area of the trailer to look like we will be sleeping in a sardine can!!!!  we put the shiny silver insulation all over the walls and the ceiling (including the windows.....we will see how the works out for claustrophobia..........)  Just is case it's really really cold this winter we should be very warm!!  A little snow on the ground this morning but it's mostly gone - supposed to be 50 tomorrow so we will have to get up and train early before it warms up!!
Below see photos of our "UP house" - look close and you can see the Halloween decorations above the table and on the cover of the couch!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Great pictures and of course you've made it all cozy!!! All you need for the photo is for Randy to be smoking a pipe! :)
It's finally fall in Maryland - highs in the 50s this week.
Love you and can't wait to hear more stories! :)