Monday, February 11, 2019

uh oh................

Good training trails the last 4 days - unfortunately we are like "all dressed up and no place to go" since so many races have been cancelled!!!!  we trained Thursday and Saturday with the snowmobile - so Randy thought it would be good to use the sled and build some speed on the dogs - so I went out ahead of him and we did 13 miles of the best trail that we have seen here or anywhere in the last 5 years!!!!  He didn't remember to take the GPS with him so he didn't know for sure but was quite confident that he was doing around 19mph!  at least part of the time and he had to slow them down with the drag for at least 5 miles of the trail.  So we were almost done with the run, I had stopped the snowmobile to check that traffic was clear and then took off across the road for the barn/home and hurried back to get ready to "catch the team" when he got back - well I had just gotten off the snow machine and I heard the dogs and sled arrive behind me and when I turned around all 7 dogs were in a big ball wrapped around the timeout bars in the yard...........and no Randy!!!!!!!!!!  I hadn't turned around to check he made it across the road OK and the first thing I thought is that the car I saw coming (but he still had time to cross safely) had somehow sped up and he had gotten run over!!!!  Mean while I had to untangle all the dogs and get them chained to the truck and prevent one of the females from getting bred all the while wondering what had happened to Randy...... then I saw him walking (the road is about 1/4 mile from the barn) and thought "whew"!!!!!!!!!!  And then I saw him holding one hand up in the air just like he had that day in Alaska when he lost the end of his finger training dogs!!!!!  and sure enough, he had injured his left thumb!!!  Thumbs are just not supposed to be permanently pointed in that direction!!!!  So I put all the dogs back into the trailer and we called Bellerives' business to find someone to help us get to the hospital.  We got ahold of Patrick and between him and Claude they brought us a car and then Claude led us to the nearest hospital (he was on his way to Montreal for a meeting) in his car and then he came into the hospital with us to be sure there was someone that spoke English!  So that was 2p and now it's 6:30 and Randy has had an x ray of his hand but hasn't seen the doctor yet.................

I will let you know what the outcome of our newest adventure is when I can!!!!!

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