Thursday, February 7, 2019

What's up???? not much...........

The last few days have been quiet- training Tuesday- shopping Wednesday (I did buy myself some new underwear, socks, yoga pants and a “Canadianne” sweatshirt – all at Walmart – so if I need anything else I will have to go elsewhere………..  I did find a “stash” of turtlenecks up in the cupboard by the bed head, so I am not quite as bad off as I thought!
Today we trained 1 teams of 8 on the best trail Randy says we have had since we left the east side of the 407 in the UP.  Also training today was our friend Mario and he had Marcel riding the 4 wheeler with tank-tracks ahead of him – when our dogs met them head on, Fred and Ice jumped up on a 3 foot bank on the trail to avoid the 4 wheeler and then jumped right back down after it passed and went straight ahead without a tangle!!!  In the dogsled world, that is amazing!!!
We have found out that the race for this weekend at Woburn is cancelled – we are getting rain tonite and it must have already rained on their trail..  For today Jim Lyman has said that it looks bad for Laconia NH, so they are not cancelling but they never do till the last minute.  That leaves 3 more races in Quebec – hope they go cause we would hate to have this be a “one race season”!!!!

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