Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Since Valentine's Day things have been kind of uneventful.............except when I didn't close the outside door to the barn tight at last potty break of the night and it blew open and was 0 degrees during the night and all the pipes froze!!!!!!  The next morning when we discovered it we spent 1.5 hours with our inside infrared heater, my hair dryer and our heat gun desperately trying to thaw the pipes before they came to train and would need hot water!!!!!!  Unbelievably, we got the hot water running 1 minute before they came to get it!!!!  Randy told Claude what had happened when he saw him that nite and he said it had happened to him before too.......whew!

We also had a shopping trip to Shawinigan and Randy bought a thumb splint which is even better than the "metal stick" they sent home with him from the hospital - so he will be wearing it for the next two weeks - still no pain - just hard to manage without using that whole hand.  He taught himself to tie his shoe laces and zip his jacket so that's 2 less things I need to do for him.!!

Last nite we went out to dinner with the Bellerives and as always, had a very nice time!

Today we have to clean out the pens again - should be done every 2 days it appears and now it's been 3 - we have come to the conclusion that it's almost as much work having to clean the pens as it is to have to drop the dogs 5 times a day!!!

We are also going to shop again today - Randy has made up him mind he is going to wear a helmut while running on the sled!
 Pretty un-natural position.........wouldn't you say?  looks painful!!!
 the view from the house looking over at the barn with all the snow - on the right you can see the "snow mountain"

 You can use duct tape for anything - even medical necessity!!!
this is what they use to clean the drive way!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Thanks for posting the pictures! Always nice to get a little glimpse into your "winter homes". :)
you know, a helmet may not be a bad idea... I'm not a fan of wearing them, but certainly am of keeping Randy healthy!
Love you!!