Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Last Day in Anchorage

Yesterday was our second "date" with Paul Herrick - he picked us up at the dog track and took us to Bear's Tooth restaurant!!! I had Alaskan pollock and we had a habenero french fries appetizer with an even hotter sauce to dip in!! not Randy's favorite - doesn't like anything hot!! after that we went to an Italian place for dessert - Paul thought there would be some "mafia types" at the bar but they were not there last nite - must have decided to hang out somewhere else!! finally we took a ride out to the coast and could clearly see Mt. McKinley as the sun was setting - I will post the pictures but it can't possibly show how beautiful it was - then we went a little farther and saw the city from the south looking down on it from the ocean and saw how fast the tide can start coming in - it was still and all of a sudden if looked like it was going 25 mph! We drove around Lake Hood on the way home and Paul showed us where lots of the small planes are parked on little inlets of the lake - some with skiis on and some with pontoons - hundreds and hundreds of them - he even pointed out a plane that he had tried to talk my brother into buying cause it was a super deal - I think he said it was worth $100,000 and it sold for $40,000!

Today is another beautiful sunny day - don't even need a hat training dogs - Randy just took out my team and the trail is hard packed and fast - and he's out now with 11 dogs - almost too warm to train but they need the exercise - this afternoon after training we will go shopping and then be ready to leave in the morning - Stitt's want us to call on our way through Willow so don't know how far we will get tomorrow.

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