Thursday, March 8, 2012

Made it to Fairbanks!!!

Well I was right about the wifi here at the track in Fairbanks…it’s very unreliable! Right now we are sitting at the other end of the building and I can get the site as an option but I can’t remember the password….. so maybe when we go into town I can find a place to post this!
We left Tuesday morning after seeing the moose again in across from the clubhouse and then he disappeared behind the snow bank! We filled all the tanks with fuel and propane and headed out on a fairly nice day but overcast – we didn’t really leave until after 10:30 so we were half thinking we wouldn’t make it all the way here that day but we kept on driving and had pretty good roads……….until we hit Nenana and fed dogs – thinking it was only 50 more miles to Fairbanks we took off again and hit an “almost blizzard” – every time a vehicle would pass us either way it made a “whiteout”! It snowed hard and we hit the mountains just before Fairbanks and it took us almost 2 hours to go the 50 miles!
Finally got to the track and the parking lot had about 8 inches of fresh snow in it!!
Up late on Wednesday morning and didn’t do much of anything all day. Randy had intended to train dogs but the trail had about 10inches of fluffy snow on it (it hadn’t been worked on in awhile…….and we thought we were coming up here to train on an “superior” , hard , fast trail….). Made chicken and rice for the 6 o’clock potluck and driver’s meeting for the Limited Championship. Lots of people we had not seen in a long while – Katy and Martin DeJanais (spelling?) were here for the first time! I reminded Katy of the first time she raced dogs was when we were at their race in St. Agathe , a race on a lake, and she had 4 huge “horse” dogs and was scared to death of how fast she was going to go!! Of course she won… I entered the 6 dog class and drew number 10 –
Today is beautiful!!! Sunny and the sun is so hot when you are standing out in it if feels almost like bathing suit weather!!!! Randy trained one team of 13 and said the trail was pretty good after they dragged it last nite and this morning. Next we are going in to town to get more fuel for the generator since we can’t get the outside plug to the building to work – so we are running the generator continuously. Plus we need a few groceries. More later!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

So glad you guys made it there without too much trouble!
Talk to you soon!
Love you,