Sunday, March 11, 2012

Race coverage from the Limited North American Championship!!!! cont.

We managed to spend $100 at Walmart (and that wasn’t even letting me browse the Alaska souvenirs section!!) Stopped at McDonalds so we could do a post and then back to the “ranch/clubhouse”!
Up early at 8am so we would be sure to be ready for the first day of the race! I got my #10 bib and we treated feet and put Bag Balm on testicles in the trailer before even letting them out in to the ferocious weather- it went from feeling like “Florida” here yesterday with the hot sun to feeling like where-we-really-are-Alaska today!!!! Cold and blowing snow………. Got up to the start line with out too many jitters and we were off!!! I was a bit conservative cause I really didn’t remember the trail from last year – it starts off with a long, long, long downhill grade and ends up with a turn to the left/haw- for you not-so-long-time-readers, that was where I fell, lost my team, ran and found the team, couldn’t get my snow hook out even standing on it and using both hands (what a another disaster that would have been if it had come out…….then I would have not been on the sled and would have lost them again!! – but I was desperate……..desperate for all of the 6 dog class…….it finished……and then all of the 8 dogs class……and finished…….until Randy came on a snowmobile and got the hook out for me and then I finished the trail………) and that whole sequence of events set us up for what happened next…Randy missing his chute time because of me, and going out on his own with 20 dogs, missing his turn and having a tangle and then losing a finger up to the first joint………etc., etc., etc…….. So having said all that, I am very proud to tell you I made it around the trail, the only slow down was having my leader, Echo, poop several times and he does not like to be running when he does that! I found out that the reason that Karousch Partow did not pass me was because he loaded and then un-loaded a dog…. The truth is, even in 12th place out of 13 (with Katy Dajenais from Quebec being first with 18:12 min and me with 21:57 min) I m VERY HAPPY! The competition doesn’t get much better!

I was in for a shock on Friday when I crossed the finish line and heard them say on the loud speaker my time was "19:21.8!!!!!!!!!!" That made me 4th for the day!!! Bev Stevens did have a problem with her dogs chasing a "critter" off the trail for a bit but I had a great run!!! Echo in lead did not have to poop today and that makes a HUGE difference because he virtually stops when he has to go and then the point dogs run over him!!!! So even if everything goes to "you know what in a handbasket" tomorrow, I am just elated!!!!

Sunday: got up fairly early (7:30) and fed dogs - very cold - even in the dog part with the door closed and all those little warm bodies it was only 10 degrees!! Partly sunny today - I was relaxing on the couch reading a book, trying not to be nervous and Randy breaks in the door and yells "Katy Dejanais is hooking up her team!!!!" - leader in the 6 dog - you know.....I vaguely remembered them mentioning at the driver's meeting that this weekend was the weekend they turned the clocks guessed it!!! we did NOT turn the clock ahead and in 14 minutes I got myself dressed and the dogs harnessed and feet oiled and hooked up and to the line!!!!!!!!! I had a good run but, even though he had pooped at breakfast and then again just before we left, Echo had to poop X3 on the trail!!!! once again it cost me time (I was hoping to make up 30 seconds and maybe move into 7th) but I stayed in 8th which I am very proud of my dogs for doing - when you consider one of my leaders (Birdie) is 8 years old and was just there to give the young pup Echo confidence to lead in his first race and she never even came close to having a tight line so it was like running 5 dogs, I am extremely proud!!!!! The purse isn't very fact nobody has even mentioned how much - I think the lady just ahead of me in 7th said there was $10,000 to be divided by all the participants which is probably 40 of them, I may get my entry fee back - regardless, it was the best race of my life!!!! and I think I may even be getting the hang of driving a sled.......after all these years!!!!!
I have the password for the wifi here so will talk to you soon!!!

1 comment:

Pilot son said...

Wow! It sounds like you had a great race. We too missed the time change but caught our error 1 hour before church so we made it (a little rushed). I read the post to the kids and they loved it. Ocean laughed about your leader pooping on the trail. Middle (ish) of the pack at a sprint race in Alaska is GREAT! Congratulations. We miss you both. Good luck this weekend Dad. I love you!!
