Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Slow Monday/Training Tuesday

Not much going on Monday  - just feeding dogs and us.  I am having a bit of a harder time cooking for us - about 5 days ago we had an issue with propane leaking somewhere - and when I say somewhere, that means Randy looked from beginning/the tank to the end/the stove and furnace, and never found a leak using soapy water.  After a day of having that rotten egg smell permeating the place, we looked again under the stove burners and he tightened up the connection and the leaking stopped.  It still stunk in her for 3 days but now you can hardly tell we stunk!  The bad thing is that now none of the stove is working.......not the burners, not the oven, nada....  My cooking is limited to what ever can be microwaved- so last nite was mac and cheese and today was leftover chicken salad from Saturday.

Tuesday brings even warmer temperatures (like 37 degrees F) and Randy and Hermel had run the groomer over the training trail last nite so we trained today - it was still punchy in places after Hermel ran one team on the trail but it seemed good for the most part.  In between Bellerive team training Randy and I went on the trail with the snowmachine to remind me of where I had to lead our team when we trained (the trail is still quite different this year because only 1/2 of it exists and you have to run parts of it twice).  That went well and so we took out a 12 dog team.  They looked good and Randy was pleased.  After a few more Bellerive teams (you have to remember they have 2 open teams, 2 6 dog teams and today they trained 3 puppy teams with 6 dogs each.....), we took out a 6 dog team of older and previously hurt dogs and that went perfect as well.  Almost too warm - when I look at the forecast and it is supposed to get to 45 and 47 this weekend it doesn't seem hopeful for the Daaguam race...........

I am sad to report that it seems I have lost my English tv channel for good..... we have been here 3 days and it hasn't returned...........I had just gotten hooked on a show called Heartland, a soap opera in Alberta on a horse ranch.....and now it's gone forever...........

Randy says that we may train tomorrow again if the trail stays good - and we need some groceries!!!  So a trip to Shawanigan!  We really need propane but today it has been so warm the only heat we have going is the little infrared heater = pretty efficient to heat since we insulated the bottom of the trailer and put the plastic over the windows -plus we never open the slide-out so it is less space to heat.  Should have more to report tomorrow!!!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE Heartland!! My sister and I have watched all 9 seasons! Hope the weather cooperates for you guys bits been warmer here, about 60 yesterday! Most of the snow melted, and the little bit left is probably going to be gone today! Miss you guys, love you! 😊