Thursday, March 9, 2017

Shopping trip to Shawinigan

This is the falls that we have never seen before because it was always frozen when we went by - it is about a mile from the Walmart where we shop in Shawinigan

Wednesday we decided to just let the dogs play around the truck in teams (or "play groups") of 4 and 5 (Except for the 2 naughty dogs that run down to the road and they get special 1 on 2 treatment.....) and not train as it was supposed to rain and we just trained Tues.  It didn't rain here but it poured when we were shopping in Shawinigan just after I took the pictures of the falls!  We got food, propane (though they wouldn't fill one of the tanks that was outdated..) and gas and diesel - it occurred to me that one time when I was in Canada I got reimbursed form any tax on  purchases I made.....we bought $193 stuff at Walmart and the tax was $14!  the diesel was $400!  so I have started saving receipts!!

On the way back the dinging problem started again!!!!!!!!!!!!  It wouldn't go away even using the trick we had used with the radio on Sunday!!!!  the only thing I was able to do is make it even louder!!!!!  So on the way home we stopped at the Bellerive's business, Cirtech, at the maintenance shop.  The guy, Simon, that speaks English was not there.

When we got home Randy helped Hermel feed dogs and he told us that the maintenance guys were there at 7am - so this morning Randy got up at 6:45am and headed out to Cirtech - they ended up taking the driver door panel off and disconnecting the speaker so now we only have the other 3 speakers - but no dinging!!!!!!

It was very windy overnite - the kind of wind that makes the trailer rock - I had a pretty sleepless nite with my cold that is re-occurring and could really hear it!  Today we woke up to about 1/2 inch of snow on the pavement and it is going to get muchhhhhhhhhhh colder tonite though it is 26 degrees now - just in time for the race this weekend in Daaquam - 0 degrees for a high on Saturday!!!!  I am so not looking forward to this!!!!  We will leave tomorrow morning as it takes about the same or a little longer as last week's trek - the roads are very bumpy and hilly (like mountainous hilly) once you go south off the expressway to St. Just-de-Breternieres (sp??)  It is right on the northern border of Maine.  Let you know how the trip goes tomorrow!!!


Erica said...

Safe driving through the mountains and try to stay warm!!

Trenkle Family said...

Drive safe and have fun! Love the pictures! :)

Caitlin said...

The pictures remind me of a scene in Iron Will, that movie we would watch every summer.