Tuesday, March 14, 2017

tuesday update

 This is the view of the St. Lawrence Seaway as we were about to cross over it on the bridge going south on 73
 These 2 pics show you how close to the start line we were parked again this year - we could watch all the starts and finishes sitting right at our table!!!!
We were very surprised to have Claude stop by the trailer after we hadou been shopping to invite us to dinner.........at Melanie's house!!!!!  She had just gotten home from the hospital with Patrick at noon and was ready for family company!!  We were so happy to see her in person and see that she is doing well - her jaw is wired and closed with rubber bands and she eats/drinks with a syringe and her back is very painful with movement but she is great!!!!!  She says she will keep on racing dogs!  We looked at her helmut and could see where she hit the tree.....it left a dent on the outside!!  and her goggles were broken!  She says her new leader went to the outside of the turn instead of the inside like every other leader usually does and she must have gone into the bank with the centrifugal force. 

We stayed about 2 hours and ordered in from the erestaurant - and thought she should rest.

Today we are going to train at least the dogs that didn't race last weekend and then see if the blizzard that is supposed to arrive today has started!


Trenkle Family said...

We actually got snow last night and it's still on the ground! Winter has finally come to Maryland in March...

Glad to hear Melanie's on the mend and that you got to visit with her a bit.

Love you both!

Caitlin said...

Snow day for UMD! A friend and I went to a snowball fight and made a snowman. Also, centrifugal force, while people theorize about it, isn't actually a real force. She would have slid out because the centripetal force wasn't large enough to counteract her forward momentum. ;-) Love you!