Friday, October 20, 2017

10/19 throught 10/20/17

 Some Lake Superior property we looked at - $231,000 for 13 acres and 167' of frontage - about a 250 ft. drop off to the water!!!

 The fallen tree we both had to lay down on the 4 wheeler to drive under with the 8 dog team!!

Managed to get2 teams ran before it got too warm.  You can see from the picture above that we ran into a little obstacle when we went out with the first team!  I didn’t know the first time we went under the fallen tree if we would make it or be rubbed off onto the ground – it’s not like you stop and measure ……..  we did make it but I was glad I have lost a couple of pounds over the last year!!!  Went back later in the day and cut it out of the trail so I have some nice pieces of pine to do “something” with……..  The rest of the day we rode around on the trails looking to see if anything else had blown down and new trails we could use – late last nite Jim (the owner of the place we are staying at rolled in and so we visited a bit with him.  He is up for the big training session and shot clinic they are having across the street at Bruce Magnusson ‘s  (it has always been at the Shaws house but with the passing of Bob, Bruce offered to have it at his place)  Don’t know for sure how many dog people will show up but as I write this there are already 6 dog kennels here with more they know are coming – so that already equates to about 2-300 dogs in the neighborhood!!!!
Didn’t train this morning but probably should have even though it was already 48 degrees at 7:30am.
Today we visited with Jim and then went over to offer our help setting up to Bruce but he and his wife Monica had it all done.   Looks like tonite is burgers with Jim and don’t know if it will be cool enough (supposed to be a low of 58 degrees according the the weather app) to train at the training session tomorrow – even if they only go 3 miles (which they are planning on) it may be too much for our dogs – just because they would get so excited before they even went out on the trail!!!
More tomorrow!

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