Saturday, October 28, 2017

 Wayyyyyyyy big waves!!!!!

Celebrating Halloween at the DeKuiper trailer in Deer Park, Michigan!!

It was indeed a terrible storm!!!!  We could feel it rocking the trailer all nite long!!!
So of course we needed to go see just how angry the Lake Superior shore was!!!  I about blew away taking a video of the beach (which I can’t seem to get posted for some reason….)  There were whole trees being tossed around like toothpicks in the waves – no way to know for sure but it seemed like there were waves 10 or more feet tall breaking out in the lake as far as we could see!!!!  Easy to imagine why there are over 5,000 ship wrecks on the Great Lakes – especially Superior!!!!
The training is going pretty good – we trained everybody Monday, then took storm day Tues off, then converted from 3 8 dog teams to 2 12 dog teams for Wednesday and Thursday – spent some time Friday widening the 2 track trails so the dogs had more room to go around the hug lake-like puddles in them from all the rain we have had!!!!  Trained the 2 12 dog teams today in a light sprinkle but plenty cold at 38 degrees!!!!!  Went on a new trail and farther – Randy says we only went 5+ miles but it seemed longer to me!!  We also are started today running Noah in lead for the first time and he did great!!!  We have 4 solid leaders but it is good to have some spares!!!
Last nite went out to dinner with Jan Shaw and some of her friends to Wolf Inn – had whitefish – delicious!!!!!  Then stopped over to the Halloween party at Pine Stump Junction (wearing our orange jack o’ lantern shirts) and did a bit of dancing to a DJ!!!  The costume winners were a family all dressed up like the Adams family!!!  The best of them was Uncle Fester and Wednesday!!!!
This afternoon stopped over to Caldwells to see if they were interested in a dog we have that seems to only want to trot instead of loping -  they do more mid-distance so we thought he might work good for them but they weren’t interested right now – on to Newberry for church tonite!!!
This week I signed up for HULU and have gotten to see lots of Halloween movies…….maybe too many for Randy’s taste!!!  Just think about all the Christmas movies I will be able to see!!!!

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