Saturday, October 14, 2017

Since it was too warm to train at 50 degrees this morning- we played tourists!!

Upper Taquamenon Falls

 Picture of the bell from the Edmund Fitzgeral in the Shipwreck museum
 Freighter going thru the straits

Last nite we ended the day of telephone frustration with Randy taking a long 4 wheel drive looking at what trails to train on next to go farther with the dogs while I was on the phone with the Apple advisor trying to unlock my phone.  After dinner we wathched 5 episodes of Wyatt Earp from 1955 – they were pretty good shows back then!!!!
When we got up at 8 it looked pretty cloudy and gloomy out plus was too warm for the dogs to run so we decided to see some of the local sights we had not visited yet.  After a breakfast of ham and pancakes with Bellerive Canadian maple syrup  we set out for Whitefish point and the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum – it took about an hour to get there and the landscape was beautiful wherever there were maples – I would say we are about 75% color right now.  It was $13 each for admission and that included a movie about the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, the museum, the rescue boat house and the lightkeeper’s home.  We were there about 2 hours and there were walkways out to 2 beaches.  You can see the picture of me walking and one of a tanker like the E. Fitzgerald out in the narrows off Whitefish Point.  The other pictures are of places around the museum grounds and of Taquamenon Falls, both the upper and lower.  Beautiful with the trees in color. Lots of people with the same idea as us!!!  The parking lots were almost full like it was summer!  Didn’t start raining until we headed for home about 5.  Randy fed dogs and then we took Ashley (the dog handler for Jim Oehlschlaeger- the guy who owns the place we are renting space at) out for dinner to Stump Junction (her boyfriend is a cook there at nite) and we had a “surprise pizza” made just for by Steve.   Tomorrow will barely be cool enough when we get up so we will see how training goes then!

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