Sunday, October 15, 2017


Saturday was a good day to be in the UP!!  Up at 8 and ran two teams with it about 45 degrees.  Ran Coal (new) and Oslo together with 8 and Spark and Greg (new) with 9 – it was the first time we didn’t have to have me in front to lead them on the trail with the other 4 wheeler, since they have gotten used to the turns.  So I actually got to ride behind and see how they were running!!  The amazing dog is Chase, a one year old out of Oslo and Doe, who not only ran very hard the whole trail, but got himself out of a a tangle on the fly!!!!  After training a 2 hour nap (us old people need those you know……….) and then we went for another ride in the jeep around the neighbor hood.  We looked at four different camp grounds within a couple miles of here (Pretty Lake, Perch Lake, High Bridge, etc.) and found out the trail the Caldwells across the street are using to train.  By then it was time to go to town for more groceries and church.  The little church is one of three the priest is responsible for (the other 2 in Naubinway and Grand Marais) – the regular pastor had kidney stones so we will have to wait another time to meet him.  We went out to dinner on the way home to the “Wolf’s Den” – a place we had eaten at before and is only open on weekends.  I had whitefish and it was delicious – I think that might be the 4th time in 2 weeks!!!  Of course it’s abundant here!!!
Over nite had a horrible rain and wind storm!!!!! Thought it was going to blow the awining off from the side of the trailer!!!  They said there would be 30+ mph winds and it sounded like it!!!  Had to wake Randy up shortly after we went to bed because I could hear something was wrong in the dogyard……sure enough, one of Jim’s dogs had broken another chain and was dragging it around ands was in Muggs’ circle and had her tangled up in it!!
Still raining this morning and windy so we slept in and now I am making a pot of ham and pea soup which Randy is not-so-patiently waiting to have done.  The wind has died down a lot but it is supposed stop raining in a while – maybe we will drive over to Lake Superior (only about 2 miles away) to see how big the waves are!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

The kids will be excited to know that “Chase on the Case” is doing so well!! 😉