Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Another mixed day of good and bad..........

The good was that I had volunteered to make dinner for the Bellerive's in my InstantPot and had gotten a beef roast last week and they said it would be good to get together on Monday - so when I texted to see what time, the note from Melanie kind of made it look like it was at her house and it would only be 4 of us - then 45 minutes before we were to meet Claude stopped by to ask what time to pick us  up to go to dinner -so that made it from a 4 person dinner to 6!!!  Yikes!!!!  So I quick thawed some homemade applesauce  from the freezer and along with the carrots, potatoes, gravy and squash I had ready and the dessert and salad Renelle brought we had plenty!!!!   And when I had pressure cooked it looked like 1/2 the size it started as so I thought for sure we wouldn't have enough but there was enough for leftovers!!!  Couldn't have turned out better!!

So the really bad things were that when we got home Sunday nite I couldn't get the tv to work..........thought maybe I was just tired and impatient and would figure it out in the morning..........nope!!!!  I have tried everything I can think of and don't know what has happened but now I can't get any tv stations even thought it shows 3 blue lights out of four on the antenna control!!!!  So today I am still without and in withdrawal!!!!!

The other thing that I realized was that, even though I haven't yet had much need for nice clothes to wear, I wanted to wear a shirt I was sure I had brought .................did a concentrated search of everywhere possible the garbage bag of my clothes were...........and no bag............nowhere...........no clothes for Cris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Randy tried to cheer me by saying it was pretty tricky of me to not bring all my clothes so that I could go shopping-------------????!!!!!  Especially on a day I was making dinner!!!  So what I think happened is that Randy thought the bag was to be stored in the UP for when we come back in the spring -so it's in the dog meat freezer............................

And today we got the freezing rain that everyone else has had and things were all frozen over - including the trail for training today - so Randy just went out to see if the top layer of ice has melted and maybe we can still train yet today!

More good news soon!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Well, never say your life is boring... :)

I'm glad the instant pot worked out well for you! We use it so much more than I thought we would when we first bought it.

So where's the next race and when? Is it Laconia next? I wish we could be there with you guys. :(

Hmmm... does Amazon ship there? You may just have to take a day and do some local shopping. :) I bet Melanie has some good ideas for that!

Love you guys! Stay safe with the ice.