Saturday, February 2, 2019


bad start...........not so good race..........Randy is 14 out of 19.  started with a dog fight as we were about to go to the start line - then as he was in the final countdown, the wheel dog broke a harness (yes it was one of the ones Randy had fixed..........) so he didn't leave the chute at "go" = maybe 30 seconds to a minute later - and then just after he left he had a neck line came off a dog just in front of wheel - and had to stop at a trail crossing to have someone help him stop the team and put in a new neck 5 minutes out of 1st which I have calculated is 24 seconds per the 12.5 mile course - oh yeah, the young dogs that have never raced did pretty good except Skye who does not like to run in "deep snow" - I guess Randy spoiled her by only training on a good trail!! Maybe he will do better tomorrow and for sure we won't put the 2 dogs that fought together again!!  So time to feed and more to come tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

He's just getting everything out of the way for the season in this first race. Today is going to go so much better! :)
We love you!!!