Thursday, January 30, 2014

Colder than a welldigger"s ____!!!!!

This is Wednesday – yesterday we trained 2 9-dog teams with cold but sunny temps – everybody seemed to do well with the exception of Erin that developed a fissure on her rear hind foot – we did the other 9 today and it was much colder and windy – so Randy just trained the ones that didn’t go yesterday – the trail was good both days and –mind you, this is just the training trail up by the Cook’s cabin – not the race trail.  The training run went fine although Randy got much colder today  - should have had a face mask on and got cold hands even with the hand warmers in his gloves –
Got done training and came back the 20 miles to Preeceville and went to the hardware that Ray Cook recommended to buy a  new microwave (actually the only place in town to be able to buy one…) the hardware in Preeceville – they have eveeeerrrrrrrryyyyyything!!!!  We also noted when we got out of the truck downtown that they have an impressive park in front of the Preeceville elevator (many of these towns in the prairie were built around the place where they could transport the grains they grew – and very nicely they had a tribute to the Cook family for the years they had put on the dog race and how well both Ray and Kevin had done racing in Manitoba and Alaska and Saskatchewan.
Last nite had dinner with Kevin and Rhonda at their home and delicious and what an ambiance!!!!  They too are Harley drivers and the living area is all black and orange “Harley”!!!!
After getting back to Kevin and Rhonda’s today we saw this monster tractor in the drive = John Deere green – it was ordered from the local dealer to get the “monster” drifts out of the trail for the race this weekend – Randy volunteered to ride with Kevin to groom the trail so I set about tidying the trailer for the next one and half hours – when he got back Randy had quite the story to tell – This huge huge huge huge tractor had broken through the ice in the swamp on the race trail while Randy was riding with Kevin trying to level the trail from the drifting – by the time Kevin’s son Wyatt brought Randy back here  to the trailer they had all the city employees out trying to   get the tractor un-stuck   and even a payloader and a backhoe coming – not a good day in the life of Kevin Cook…………….
Back here at the “camp” – new microwave set up and ready for a hot dinner of peas, mashed potatoes and chicken!!!!!
- 7 here this morning with wind and Randy has decided that it's too cold to train - so a relaxing day at home - get the other 1/2 of the dogs toenails huh?????

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Brrrr..... Try to stay warm! I think I'll stick with the 40 degrees we're supposed to get in MD this weekend!