Friday, January 31, 2014

Still cold...............but less wind!

Friday already………….we have only been gone a week but it somehow seems like forever!!  Yesterday was too cold and windy to train so we did the dogs manicures and then about suppertime Kevin came and wanted to know if Randy wanted to ride with his to get a trailer for hauling the pigs (his main enterprise) and if would be about a ½ hour ride – so they left at 7 and about 8:30 I started wondering what had happened = Randy got back about 8:45 and said he thought maybe he was bad luck for Kevin as they had gotten stuck the nite before with the big tractor and then tonite the trailer  air valve was leaking so they couldn’t hook it up –
So we got a very late start on feeding dogs and finally went to bed at about 11 –
The Cook’s are in the same predicament we are as far as deciding whether to go to Alaska – their original intent was to leave from here on Monday and travel fast enough that they planned to make it to the Exxon race in Anchorage next weekend – so they will make their decision probably on Sunday nite – we, on the other hand, cannot make it to Anchorage from here fast enough to enter the Exxon even if they have it – so our next option would be to get up there in time for the Raven Electric 10 dog race – which isn’t really long enough to prepare the dogs for the Rondy anyhow – and then still not know if they will have snow for the Rondy – just have to go with the flow…….
Today Randy is going to train all the dogs that won’t be racing tomorrow and Sunday – it feels warmer today and there is little wind – we will still have to dress him warm though!!  After training we will come back here for water and then go downtown to the race site to park for the nite so that we can have our trailer parked without having to jockey around any other vehicles.
 Training went well but Blanche who has a cold didn't want to lead very good today - Randy tried 5 different leaders and finally got back to her to finish the training trail - already fed supper and off to park at the race site for the nite!!!
 Love you all!!  will update tomorrow if I can find a place to post - Randy is running both the 6 and the 10 dog race - should be about the same temp tomorrow!!

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