Monday, January 27, 2014

On the road again!!!

After an uneventful night and having watched two movies on the computer and having cheese and crackers and pepperoni for dinner, got up this morning to still very cold, but at least not so windy weather with the sun shining - so after we fed breakfast Randy says "lets pack up and go" - so this is going to be goodbye for a little while until I find another place to "blog" - we will be heading up almost directly north to Preeceville, Saskatchewan to Cook's race - they emailed us back to say that the blizzard Sunday had blown his race trail in and most likely would again today but that we would be able to train dogs on it by Tuesday - so over the border today - say prayers that we have no hassles!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Love you! Drive safe! Caitlin said thank you for the card that came in the mail today!