Sunday, January 26, 2014

What a difference 10 hours can make!

Got up this morning and our "Miami-like" weather had turned back in to "Alberta Clipper" - it was only 11 degrees in the dog part of the trailer and sooooo windy outside.  To feed breakfast we had to set the dishes down on the ground and feed immediately or the dish would blow away!!!  We are parked next to the Target store (which on the one hand is nice because I have wifi to be able to look up all the weather and condition reports) next to an access road with stores all around us and it is still extremely windy - we haven't heard a Minot recent weather report this morning but I don't think this was expected!  It is probably now what they were predicting for over by Grand Forks - and it's raining up in Edmondton!!!

So now we are in a conundrum-  they have no snow in Anchorage with only ice on trails, there is training in Fairbanks, there is rain in Edmonton, and there is a race in Preeceville, Saskatchewan this coming weekend with the temp of 4 on Sat and -4 on Sunday....right now it is looking like we are headed to the race and will have to change plans if it looks like they might get snow in Anchorage - Randy's favorite race is the Rondy and right now they don't have the snow or the prediction of snow to look like it will be a "go" - decisions, decisions....this is the same thing that happened to us last year - and this year if we hadn't had trouble with the old trailer not fitting the new truck we would already be up in Fairbanks without having to make the "big decision" of "to go to Alaska or not to go".  Will keep you up to date with minute to minute (well not really....) coverage!

1 comment:

Pilot son said...

I'm not sure if I believe in "global warming" but the weather sure has been odd this year. We're happy to have you turn around. You could make it back for Kalkaska ;-). We love you whether we see you again in 2 weeks or 2 months.