Friday, January 17, 2014

It's a really good thing that our trail is so good here in Michigan cause we still haven't left!!!

I am sitting in the parking lot of McDonald's in Fremont while Randy is over at Field Welding "picking up our new (well new to us - 2005...) truck and the trailer that had to have a lift kit put on the axles because it was 10 inches lower than the new truck hitch!  more money....more frustration...  We still go back to our mantra "if we arent' on the road when we wanted to be it must be for some good reason......"  We are hoping to leave Monday or Tues but I will keep you updated - still training every day - 2 14-dog team for 18 miles and again, the trail is beautiful - we had to do some repair work from snowmobiles that ran on it when it was soft for 2 days but it's back to very good!!!

Talk to you soon!!

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