Saturday, February 26, 2011

2nd day of the Rondy

Woke up to much colder weather - about 11 degrees and a terrible wind developed through the morning and into the afternoon - we went out 3rd because of reverse start and therefore also got to park even close to the finish line than yesterday!!! We had help from Doug's wife, Pam, the FedEx pilot from yesterday (I thought Pam was a nurse for some reason until I introduced her today and she corrected me by saying she is a pediatrician1) and 2 of her friends Kirsten and her boyfriend that also skijour race - Randy got off without a hitch today........

While he was out Pam and I made a visit to the Wood's truck where they have a party for racer's wives, with race car flags on the appetizers and all!!
While we were visiting waiting for Randy to come in we heard the radio guy talking about Randy on the radio and how he had lost his finger and then yesterday's accident and because some of the other racers have nicknames they think they should call Randy "Ironman"!!!! we also found out from Charlie Champagne and Terry Killiam that Randy was on the tv last nite!!! so I found the video on the web and the address is it doens't really mention him by name but it's a dandy video showing the wipeout!!

Stopped at McDonald's for burgers on the way back to the club house because Randy was ravenous - got here and thought we would get a final result from today but the copy machine wasn't working so we got a partial - and they were having a "top secret" meeting so I didn't want to bother them more....we think that Randy moved up one place and for sure he was 4 minutes faster today - he did drop one dog today, Red because he was sick yesterday and tomorrow will also drop Ace cause she pooped out today- Randy says they surely knew when they had gone 20 miles and were ready to be done (that's how far we had been training for at home...and thought that was the right distance to "peak them") So one more day, hopefully no more sickness or injuries and the banquet tomorrow nite - will let you know how it goes as soon as I can!

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