Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, Feb 9

We are sitting in the doctor's office this morning having gotten up at 8:30 and dropped/fed dogs, quick washed my hair and changed clothes and off to the appointment to follow up on the finger before we leave for Anchorage. A very nice surprise this morning, the guy we loaned Spiff to for his son in the one dog race last Sat dropped off two different kinds of salmon dinners for us - as he had promised he wanted to do!

Another surprise, Jan Fairbanks stopped by yesterday morning and wanted to know if we needed someone to drive the truck - so far his finger is only painful when I bump it, he uses it or today he got it stuck in the wheel trying to turn the truck - the dressing fell off last nite when we were undressing from dropping dogs and so he got a look at the handiwork for the first time - it looks really good to me - just shorter and lots of stitches!!

Yesterday we mostly shopped and did errands -had to buy some plexiglass to put on the dog door where Ron tried to claw out and bought food and even went out to dinner at Chilis - I asked Randy if we were going out because he felt sorry for all the new "assignments" I have since he got hurt and he said "yes" ------ hard for him not to be able to do all the things he usually does and now can't and probably more painful to watch me trying!!!! like chopping up the meat with the splitting mall - I am better today but am pretty pitiful!!!

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers - even though you didn't know we needed them at the time - we still need them!

Will let you know the outcome of today's appointment but am pretty sure it is doing well - looks like I will be taking out some stitches!!

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