Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, Feb 9

Not too much going on today - we pulled up by the clubhouse for the nite so we could plug in and not use the generator all nite - but then I didn't have internet coverage for some reason - baffles me how it can come and go.....

We smelled the strong evergreen odor again last nite - I was disillusioned to find out yesterday that it isn't a natural phenomenon......the city of Anchorage collects Christmas trees and chips them and then spreads them on the club's property......

Today we were both tired again......seems like I should be getting in shape pretty soon!!!

Randy is out right now with 8 dogs for the 16 mile trail he did in the race and is planning to take out 8 more - it's 2p now and he said he would be an 75 to 90 minutes - so I am not sure he will be able to fit another run if before dark - although the days are really getting longer - it's still light out at 6p!!!

While Randy has been out I have been helping some gals get ready to go out with 6 dogs - Kim Wells and Bev Stevens (the winner of the 6 dog race that I came in last- and she even hit a fence going around a corner too fast and ran into a metal fence post, and still won ........and she's 67!!!) and a nurse Amy, who grew up in Scottville MI and another cardiac nurse, Cathy, who took 4 dogs out on the 3 mile trail. That's something you don't see as often - there are alot of women who train and race independently up here.

Time to get the snack ready for the dogs when Randy gets back!!

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